divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2007

Do not sing with your mouth full

Here a taste of how much fun some of us have when we get the chance to be (long enough) around:
a) a piano
b) a loving dog
c) some spare (uh?) 'disertating time'...
d) a couple of eager background singers

"When inspiration comes, it always finds me working" (Pablo Picasso)
"Hope my inspiration remembers I moved!" (Isa)

You can practice it in the solitude of your bathroom. You'll get the call when we are ready to do the big production. Warning: This is a must for any informal gathering in 502 Palace from now on.

Enjoy kids! And when you see it in YouTube (I'm not kidding, this video is in youtube already), remember you saw it here first!)

Uh... The lyrics? See below... (Karaoke video underneath).


Hey Roxie, I have some bad news (what’s up?)
Your mommies have to go for a long/short trip (oh, gawd!)
But Rox, I have some very good news (uh, yeah?)
Aunt Isa will come to take care of you (all right!!)

When Isa comes I have so much fun
We speak in Spanish and in Catalan
She talks about places so far away
I wish one day I could travel with her…
We cook in the grill a barbeque spread
Then water the plants and trim the ones dead
When I don’t feel good she gives me my meds
She scratches my back and kisses my neck
She writes all these songs so we can sing along
She loves me! And I love her so!
She’s so cool! Do tell her to come next time you go.

Hey Rox, we’re back, our trip went well (hi, moms!)
We missed you and hope you had a very good time (oh yeah!)
Hey Isa, thank you so very much (you’re welcome!)
Roxie wants you here when we travel again (PAWS UP!!)

--> And now the karaoke video; Be patient folks, there are two rounds of piano intro so you can finally get the G key! <--

Don't be disappointed if the karaoke animation does the color thing a bit flaky. Instead, download the file and it will play much better in your computer (compression stuff, you nerds!).

For those few who are not acquainted with my favorite foxterrier ever (after the mythic "Pipa"), here is a peak of Roxie in intimate conversation with John (one of her Koi-pets in the pound). She often has drinks with them as well.

[Get an idea Mr. B of how we could solve some very expensive and imaginary quarrels with other beings? Drinks and conversation... Bring them home, NOW!]

As for the karaoke viewers: please save your snotty comments on the backup singers rendition (or the lead singer & pianist for that matter). Poor mummies were ambushed to make the recording after a long trip to some Rudgers' Alumni high alcoholic celebration.

My excuse? I just was too stressed out since the song had been scarcely born & practised for 30 minutes when they got home. Besides... I can't sing even when I am not stressed out -unless a shower and some foam are involved. But I have equally fun and no shame at all.

And if I'd have [shame], I wouldn't tell you either.